Inspiration Quotes To Inspire you and Learn

Inspiration quotes, are short and simple way to understand life, and everything else. Because, with just one inspiration quote you can learn how to handle things. How to smile at life and keep going when everything else is falling down on you. And the best of all is the you get the meaning of these quotes when you had pass through it.

For the reason that, you are only going to understand this inspiration quotes when you are ready to accept the life. Has different colors, chapters, points of views and it all depends on how do you want to look at life itself. Because, you are your worst enemy and nobody else.

Want To Know Why You Are Your Worst Enemy?

Certainly, you are your worst enemy. Because, you know all your weaknesses. But at the same time your strengths too. So, the question here is. How you do want to handle yourself?. How are you going to choose to life your life. Because, your life is yours to live and nobody else but yours.

For the reason that, I want to share this inspiration quotes. Because, it got to me. Certainly, this quote make me realize what kind love I want to myself. 

inspiration quotes

Inspiration Quotes About Love

First of all, you need to understand that there are two kinds of love. 

  • The first love is “Primitive love”
  • The second love is “Constructive love”

When somebody stops loving you. It is because he/she is no longer interested in something you had to five to him/her.

For the reason, what you have to understand is that maybe this happens because their concept of love is not the same as yours. 

So, here is where the two types of love came in hand. First is the Primitive love. And second is the Constructive love. 

The primitive love is a love of needs, it is like babies. “I love you because I need you.” “Because without you I cannot live.” or “the moment you leave, my life ends completely.” Certainly, this kind of love it’s a hypocritical love. Because, they love you only for the things you are doing for them.

Also, “I giving you myself to resolve your life.” For the reason that, if you accustom him/her to giving primitive love. He/she will feel that your life belongs to him/her. And that is is your obligation to love him/her. Even, when know that if you keep giving him/her your love. It’s going to destroy you into little pieces. And, if you stop showing love when he/she don’t deserve it, he/she will get mad at you. 

Certainly, by them you are scare to fail him/her. Because, you know for sure that he/she is going to get mad at you. And at the same time you don’t understand why is this way. Why your love is not enough?

Another, way to explain it is like this. Primitive love is when you are hungry. Hunger is a primitive instinct need. And, when you fill that need, you are not hungry anymore. So, that day you meet those needs; that same day he/she will stop loving you. Because, he/she isn’t hungry anymore. 

Therefore, let me asked you this. Do you really believe that because a person is behind you all the time and looks for you even if you have finished with him/her. Is because he/she loves you? or, is he/she looking for you to satisfy his/her need. 

Constructive Love

In contrast, constructive love is completely different. And let me explain why. With constructive love is like. “I am already complete without you.” “I enjoy you, I want you, but I don’t need you.” “With you my life is brighter, still I know that I am going to be Ok without you.” Certainly, I don’t limit you and you don’t limit me. So, if you decide to leave me because I am not longer meet your needs. I am still complete without you. 

Certainly, I know that I am going to get sad, and miss you a lot. But at the same time; I know that I am going to be fine. Because, my life was already complete before you arrived to my life. 

Finally, if for some reason you feel love for the person. You need to keep in mind that when one cycle closes (when he decides to leave you), another begins for you. That he was part of your life just for a little while. So, enjoy those moment because they are not coming back. 

Certainly, when the moment comes to your life. Just asked yourself this simple question. Does he/she want me meet your needs? Or Do you really want to be with me?

For the reason that, when you answer that question. Certainly, you are going to know where to stand with the person.

Even more, before I came across this quote. I was having a hard time to understand why I love him when I didn’t needed him. For me it didn’t make sense. Certainly, didn’t get it. But now I know that I love him as a constructive love and I know that I just wanted him to be happy with me or without me. And, it make me realized that what I want in my life is constructive love and nothing more.