BITGEX- Green Bitcoin

First at all welcome to BITGEX

Image result for stakebaseYou are one of the first ones to know about BITGEX. Hence is what many experts are saying is the only way of the future with Cryptocurrency. This is the addition to Bitcoin Green (BTG) that is a “Green” version of the previously better known Bitcoin. No matter how you look at the way Crypto has become today’s currency leading into our futures; wasted resources will come to an end as we prepare properly for our future. Proof of Stake is far more efficient, faster in transit, and by far way better for the environment and everything related to the “costs” related to the Crypto Currency. In contract is the better and newer version of the old one. And because we like the things in a faster way, with BITGEX is what you are gonna get.

For any body that is new to Cryptocurrency -you just stumbled upon a GOLDEN NUGGET of info and solution to your problems. Because BITGEX is the only Cryptocurrency Exchange and Wallet we recommend for dealing with and for support Crypto. With BITGEX, only vetted (by Crypto Experts) COINS are allowed onto the platform/exchange. And only Crypto (coins) that are able to be Staked are allowed as well. Making this the first and best haven for Proof of Stake Coins. And is available for anybody who wants a piece of this new invention.

Free Enrolling (GET STARTED HERE).

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Still not sure if sign up or not? let me tell you that using BITGEX is easy. And you are gonna be able to watch Proof of Stake working, you are gonna get surprise of how FUN it is!
Staking is one of the way for mining cryptocurrency. Furthermore by staking, you are providing the Network support to find more blocks and at a faster rate!

As a result the cryptocurrency era is already here, and with it are multiple opportunities for people to make money (you can be one those people). Because is one of easiest ways to make money in the crypto space is through staking and you get to be part of the future with BITGEX. So what exactly is staking? Staking simply stands for holding a cryptocurrency in your wallet for a fixed period, then earning interest on it. The reward that one earns from staking varies depending on the length of the time that they hold it. The longer the stake duration, the higher the returns. Almost like a savings account where you put the money for saving and you can take it out on an emergency.

What are some advantages of staking cryptocurrency (Coin)?

For the reason that prior to the understanding and deployment of Proof of Stake, we have all invested in the heavy costs and operation of “Mining” Equipment. And one of the main advantages of staking is that it removes the entire need to invest in mining hardware. Meaning that everything stays in the internet with easy access from anywhere in the world.

Because there is no mining equipment to buy, house and pay for its power, things become way simpler to use. Furthermore, you just need to purchase the coins and hold them in your wallet. The next thing to do is to sit back and watch as your wallet balance grows in value. It’s quite an easy way to make money. You can buy as much as you want or as little as a penny and see it how it grows, it is at to you to decide how you want to play it. See more details here.

Even more, the other advantage of staking is that it gives you a guaranteed and predictable Image result for stakebasesource of income. That’s because, the value of coin increases in predictable figures. It’s the same as putting money in a fixed account. You are always guaranteed of getting your money back. As in your STAKED COIN is always there.

BITGEX was designed with a few key objectives in mind:

–BITGEX aims to help democratize the staking process by making it super easy for non-technical users to get started ( normal people) and to easy to understand how it works. Setting up your own staking traditionally involves an understanding of Linux, cloud server hosting, and other technical subject matter. We do all the hard work, so you don’t have to! Because we know of how frustrating things get when don’t understand how it works and we normally tend to give up.

BITGEX is designed to be a marketplace for sustainable cryptocurrencies. Proof-of-work, the Related imagetechnology used to secure the Bitcoin network, uses more energy than the majority of the world’s countries. We believe mass adoption of proof-of-stake is the path to energy-efficiency and long-term cryptocurrency viability-and that a focused marketplace can help achieve that goal. Due to the fact you are NOT gonna have to buy expensive equipment.

-We believe it should be affordable to stake: with our referral program, if you get 5 people to sign up, then the platform can be free for life! (Receiving 20% of 5 peoples’ fees means you pay 0 fees, assuming those 5 people stake and trade as much as you do on average. Register and open your user dashboard for more information on our referral program.)

Community Coin Vote and How it works

Therefore BITGEX community demand will be heavily factored in to our listing process. Every two weeks we will be holding a contest to vote for a new coin to be listed. There will be 10 coins for each contest, 5 that the community picks and 5 that we pick. Fill out the form below after logging in to submit up to 3 coins for our first contest. Only proof-of-stake or masternode coins will be considered. The top 5 community-voted coins will be included in the contest. Certainly you become one of the many winners while having fun. And be amazed of how it does all the work for you.

Above all stake your coins, while you trade BITGEX is the first cryptocurrency exchange allowing users to automatically earn proof-of-stake and masternode rewards on their deposited coins, without any technical knowledge required. Also keep in mind that there is always costumer support in case you have any issues or questions. You are not alone on this ride.

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